ITC Consult, Author at ERP, CRM и BI системи | ITC Consult - Page 2 of 2

What Are Semantic Models in Power BI?

As a long-standing leader in Business Intelligence, Power BI’s constant innovations are paving the way for other tools. The term ‘dataset’ in Power BI no longer fully describes its functionality. A dataset not only contains data but also transformations, calculations, and relationships as part of a complex and flexible model (semantic model). In this article, […]

“And may the power (PowerBI) be with you!” – Maria Savova from M Holding

The mission of our company is focused on optimizing the efficiency of information structures and increasing the return on investment in information resources. Our company strives to offer products and services in the Bulgarian market that help businesses by optimizing resources for creating, storing, and analyzing information and simplifying business processes. We cannot hide our […] enhances the efficiency of its online store with PowerBI

Much Better Understanding of Customers and Audiences Sales data analysis has significantly improved, as has the understanding of customer habits. Management now knows which brands are purchased more, which clothing categories sell faster, and which marketing campaigns have had the greatest impact on demand and sales. Analysis and Visual Presentation of Key Information We created […]

ITC Consult turns 16 years old

May 18 is the most important date in the life of ITC Consult because our company was founded on this day 16 years ago. May 18, 2006, marks the beginning of our story. Step by step, day by day, ITC Consult has grown and established itself as a reliable partner for many companies from various […]

Students from Plovdiv University learned about the advantages of the ERP systems

Students from the “Finance and Accounting” program at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” had the opportunity to get acquainted with ERP systems as well as other business software solutions, thus gaining insights into real business practices and case studies. The lecture was delivered by Stefan Nikolov, a long-time expert in the field and owner of the […]